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Tag: South Africa

The Rainbow Nation Faces Revolution

So, while we're on the subject of rainbows representing things that are gay, here's South Africa's submission for Pride Month courtesy of "South...

In Memoriam: Hendrik Verwoerd

In light of recent events, I will announce that I will not write about the Queen. The Chief Commander of the Dindus of Britain,...

South Africa’s Brave New World – A Book Review

South Africa's Brave New World: The beloved country since the end of Apartheid, is a political history of South Africa from 1994 - 2009. ...

Quinton de Kock takes principled stand against Terrorist BLM

Black Lives Matter is a Marxist, terrorist organisation responsible for riots, looting, beatings, the destruction of vast swathes of America’s cities and even mass...

What’s going on with the South African riots?

From DNA Nationalism. I’m yet to hear a holistic explanation of what’s going with the South African riots. You certainly won’t hear a good explanation...

South Africa: White and South Asian Militias Fight Back As Nation...

From National Justice. South Africa's regressive slide into a post-European failed state appears to be complete. The nation has been taken over by black rioters in the past few...

You want to be Riggs, not Murtaugh

So it looks like critical race theory is playing out in real time in South Africa. In other words, a race war. Actually, the...

Not a good week for negroes: South Africa EXPLODES

At the start of the week three negroes lost a football match for Cuck Island. Deprived of their sportsball heroin hit, thousand of English...

On Race and Nationhood

Peter Grant has responded to my article that took issue with his thesis about South Africa and the Afrikaners. He disagrees with me which...

Refugees from the West

When we think of refugees the typical image will be of downtrodden individuals and families pushing handcarts of pathetic family items. The roads of...