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Tag: Queensland

Aboriginal Street Gangs Wage War On Population

From Cairns News. Vigilantes armed with baseball bats could soon be a familiar sight on the streets of Cairns, Mareeba and Townsville as Labor’s feeble...

900 Pureblood Queensland Teachers’ Pay SLASHED

Covid Tyranny is not over, it has merely set the foundation for a big pharma and digital surveillance dystopia: Educators are "horrified" over a plan...

Queensland Police & Paramedics Challenge Vaccine Mandate

Queensland police and paramedics are finally getting their day in court to challenge totalitarian vaccine mandates. Yay. About. Bloody. Time. From the Lying Press: The first of several civil...

Queensland Government ADMITS Most Deaths With Covid Were Vaccinated AGAIN

XYZ has reported this week (here, here and here) that state health officials are admitting that most reported deaths with Covid have been vaccinated,...

Queensland Police Arrest Multiple Cafe Owners Because Covid: Nobody Does Anything

You know what’s funny? The police are heavily outnumbered in this footage from Bar Wunder in Toowoomba as patrons prevent them from getting in: This is...

100% Of Covid Deaths Were Double Vaccinated: Queensland Health Minister’s Stunning...

What do the following phrases have in common? “Not fully vaccinated.” “Have had neither their first or second jabs.” “None of those people had...

Omicron delays start of school year in Queensland: Children delighted

School has become hell for kids in the last two years. Masks and online lessons are the literal definition of child abuse. The kids...

No Jab No Eat

Globalists like to sprinkle their new insane policies around to make it appear random rather than coordinated. A few days ago they sprung this...

Third World: Transplants Denied to Unvaccinated in Queensland

A good rule of thumb I learned the hard way, even before Covid, is that any time I think “no, they wouldn’t do that,...

ABC Propaganda In One Picture

The ABC is under investigation for their biased reporting, so you would think that they would try to pretend not to be an establishment...