Aboriginal Street Gangs Wage War On Population


From Cairns News.

Vigilantes armed with baseball bats could soon be a familiar sight on the streets of Cairns, Mareeba and Townsville as Labor’s feeble attempt to curb violent crime dissipates.

Cairns News contributors from around the Far North have advised their sources are warning vigilantes are on the move.

The vigilantes according to our sources are arming themselves to protect their families and  themselves and to deter violent attacks on innocent people going about their business or just being at home.

Police and courts are powerless to protect the public but have warned they will make every effort to stop people from protecting themselves and taking matters into their own hands.

At common law every man has a right to defend himself and his family, and it now seems this is about to occur following a spate of violent street attacks in Mareeba over the past week allegedly committed by Aboriginal youth.

Two men aged in their 20s left the Ant Hill Hotel on Saturday night, with plans to walk 200m along Byrnes St to the Gateway Hotel, when outside Mitre 10 the pair intervened to assist a man being harassed by a group.

The situation quickly escalated after the group produced weapons and bottles and attacked the pair.

The attack followed an earlier altercation involving the two groups inside licenced premises on Byrnes Street at about 9pm, according to police.

Two of the victims according to our sources were Pacific Islander, temporary fruit workers, the other a local white man. One victim was glassed, receiving severe cuts to the neck in the melee resulting in him being flown to Cairns by the emergency helicopter for surgery.

Aboriginal dissent has risen in the Mareeba area since police shot and killed an indigenous offender, aged 27, during a domestic dispute in March.

Police are drastically under-staffed and a lack of older experienced officers has made proactive policing more difficult.

Queensland Labor sacked many experienced officers who refused to take the deadly mRNA jab two years ago.

Labor has advertised for overseas recruits to join the state police force because suitable local recruits are nearly impossible to find, because there has developed a general distrust of police officers since they were used as political pawns in the scamdemic, locking families in their homes and prosecuting those who disobeyed unlawful mandates.

The birds have returned home to roost, comrade Premier.

Originally published at Cairns News.