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Tag: Proud Boys

Terrorist Antifa throw bombs, shoot guns, use vehicle as deadly weapon...

Yesterday in Portland, Oregon (otherwise known as “hell”) civic nationalist group the Proud Boys held a peaceful event. Portland, Oregon: Proud Boys and other right-wing...

Thomas Sewell very reasonably suggests that communists should be treated in...

In 2020 Marxist terrorists committed an unprecedented level of burning, looting and murdering. The XYZ has extensively documented the terrorist activity of Marxist terrorist...

FBI tank takes down dildo nationalist

The FBI have sent in tanks to arrest a member of the Proud Boys in Queens, NY. Apparently he had quite reasonably suggested that...

Milquetoast Proud Boys DEMOLISH Antifa Soyboys

A light skirmish has ensued between middle of the road conservative group the Proud Boys and Antifa terrorists, the latter of whom were easily...

NJP Analysis of The Trump/Biden Debate

Official Statement by National Justice Party (NJP) Chairman Mike Peinovich The Trump/Biden debate held on Tuesday night Sept. 29 has been widely criticized in the...

Attack of the Extreme Right Wing Extremists

I have avoided talking about the US Presidential election, for the most part, because I honestly do not care that much. I posted my...

Happy Birthday Australia 2020, the Vlog – Feat. Neil Erikson

Rather than defend Neil Erikson’s right to peaceful protest, Victoria Police chose to defend the left’s right to be violent. You can follow Matty's Modern...

Opposing infanticide makes you a nazi in Victoria

On Saturday October 12 the March for the Babies was held in Melbourne to oppose Victoria's horrific abortion laws, which allow an abortion right...

The Uncuckables Ep. 20: RatWorld

Our attention is being drawn back to the US as it gears up for another Presidential election: Donald Trump's comments on rat infested Baltimore. ...

XYZ Live #45 – Kaz Ross the Replacement Denier and what...

The main topics we covered last night were: The ABC's continued attempt to frame the narrative around the growing nationalist movement in Australia, via...