XYZ Live #45 – Kaz Ross the Replacement Denier and what happened to Melbourne?


The main topics we covered last night were:

  • The ABC’s continued attempt to frame the narrative around the growing nationalist movement in Australia, via the shoddy journalism of fat pig white genocide denier Kaz Ross.
  • The latest diversity incident, courtsy of #AfricanGangs in St. Kilda and Melbourne’s awful traffic.
  • French riots, Australian housing bubble, the link between culture and race, and the NAP.

As usual, David Hiscox and Matty’s Modern Life framed thse issues around the subject of race and mass immigration.

The live audience is growing each week, and the chat is equal parts wild and informative. If you want to join us, we start at around 9:15 PM each Monday night, ADST.  You will find us at Matty Rose Live.