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Tag: Prime Minister

Prime Minister CUCKED by State Premiers

It’s official, and everybody is talking about it. Apparently, a panel of “experts” on an obscure blog has come to the conclusion that the Prime...

Nobel goes to black guy so Greta Thunberg can’t complain

When herding cattle, you want to ensure the cattle always know who is the boss, and that they don't get too far ahead of...

Hail Boris

Boris Johnson has been elected to keep Great Britain white. Along with Nigel Farage, Boris was a leading public figure in the effort to get...

Muh gross domestic products!

Australian opposition leader Bill Shorten, (BS for short), unveiled Labor’s future election policies in a speech at Revesby Workers’ Club in western Sydney. BS...

Good Scott Bad Scott Morrison – Best of Matty Rose Live

On Monday night's XYZ Livestream we introduced the segment "Good Scott Bad Scott". The premise is that Scott Morrison appears conservative on some policies...

XYZ Live #31 – Prime Minister Scott Morrison storms Canberra

Australia has a new Prime Minister, so we guess we had to talk about it. We expounded on a few of the major points...

Quote of the Day: Malcolm Turnbull killed the Liberal Party

Events in the past week reinforced the fact that Malcolm Turnbull is a thoroughly dispicable person who only cared about himself and becoming Prime...

Quote of the Day: Vote 1 Adam Piggott for Prime Minister

Adam Piggott produces a regular colum each Fricay called "Friday hawt chicks & links". You can read his latest instalment here (really we all...

New PM Scott Morrison stopped the boats: Will he stop immigration...

Australia has a new Prime Minister, Scott Morrison. "AUSTRALIA will have a new prime minister after Scott Morrison was elected leader of the Liberal Party. "Mr...

Viewer Poll: Will a new Prime Minister make the Liberal Party...

We'd like to say that XYZ readers are pretty cluey: But blind Freddy could have seen this coming: MALCOLM Turnbull’s prime ministership is effectively over, after...