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Tag: Net zero

A Pilot Plant for Net Zero

Both solar and wind energy have fatal flaws – solar stops when the sun goes down or if a cloud blocks the sun; wind...

Net Zero burial of Carbon Dioxide?

The Queensland Government recently placed a ban on pumping and dumping carbon dioxide into the rocks of the Great Artesian Basin. This was an event...

The Climate Rationing Agenda

From Patriotic Alternative. Technocracy Watch In a recent article for the World Economic Forum website, entitled “‘My Carbon’: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities”, Kunal...

Renewable Energy or Reliable Energy: But not both

Viv Forbes Australia’s new ALP Government has gigantic green energy plans to be funded by electricity consumers and taxpayers. They promise (with a straight face) that...

Evidence that Scott Morrison is a WEF Shill

XYZ News noted last year that Scott Morrison directly betrayed Australian voters when he committed this country to reaching so-called “net zero” carbon emissions. The...

AUSTRALIA WILL STARVE: Fruit Pickers Get Minimum Wage

Australia is about to face a serious disruption to its food supply at a moment in history when the nation is particularly vulnerable to...

Cannibals Address Cop26: Demand Human Sacrifice To Appease Mother Earth

Trust the Science: A 24-year-old activist from the Brazilian Amazon has called for Indigenous people to be put at the centre of decisions addressing climate...

Peter Garrett pretends to be upset with Scott Morrison after getting...

In the last month Scott Morrison has given climate extremists and the global elite everything they ever wanted, and betrayed his voters from the...

And the award for Most Insane Climate Hysteria of the Day...

In 2015 we were all supposed to be underwater. So you’re saying that not only should we destroy the world economy on a permanent basis...

Barnaby Joyce Surrenders Australia to Environmental Extremism

Some time in the last month or so, the Australian government under Liberal Party Prime Minister Scott Morrison decided that Australia should destroy its...