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Tag: Liz Truss

The stuff of revolutions

Even though I am trying to avoid writing about current affairs, the forced resignation of the woman who sat in the prime minister’s seat...

If Liz Truss had been a housewife she’d be much happier

Following up from my, is she a one bagger or two bagger article on the demise of Liz Truss as Britain’s latest lame Prime...

Liz Truss is a two bag job

When I look at Liz Truss, the only thing that goes through my mind is would I have liked to shag her when we...

Liz Truss chucks tantrum, goes back to kitchen

Forget Margaret Thatcher. Exception, rule, you know the drill. Women belong in the home: Liz Truss will become the shortest-serving prime minister in Britain's history...

Liz Truss and the Diversity Grift

From Patriotic Alternative. Marcus Crassus It has been announced that Liz Truss' senior cabinet will not include a single white man, and this is the modern-day...

Conservatives? Cuckservatives

Eli Yockenthwaite I watched the Tory leadership campaign debates on YouTube – well, somebody had to! I came away with one thought, are these people...

BBC Host Faints Suddenly On Live TV

This is Clownworld in the current year: ❗UK PM debate halted after incident in the studio - TalkTV presenter Kate McCann has reportedly fainted Watch as...