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Tag: Islamic terror

XYZ Live #140 – Malaysia Strikes Back

On last night’s XYZ Live we analysed the US Election and Qanon from the 1:15:00 mark. Beforehand we discussed the beheadings in France by...

Creating Ghettos

When people say Tony Abbot was a conservative remember this. As Prime Minister he let in 12,000 people from Syria and Iraq. Today only...

XYZ Live #95 – Diversity is TOTES our Strength! Sadiq Khan...

Whenever a Western leader states that "diversity is our strength" after a diversity incident in a Western city, that message is not directed toward...

Former ASIO Boss Says Ordinary Australians Threaten Australia

Lately the parasitic establishment have put the anti-nationalist propaganda into overdrive; it’s a remarkable sight watching as they run circles around themselves to attack...

Nobody cares if Iran nukes Israel

WARNING: This article contains graphic content. I am supposed to care that Iran might get a nuclear bomb. Tensions had been rising in the region...

PooGate: Defecating on the face of a white woman complies with...

Let's play a game. Imagine that on our regular Monday night livestream or on the new Uncuckables which airs at 8:30 pm AEST every Thursday,...

Does the Australian government support political violence against its opponents?

The Australian Coalition government with support of the Labor and Greens opposition will today issue a censure motion against Fraser Anning for his brave...

Is it fair to argue that terror has nothing to do...

A long essay could be written on this subject, but this meme sums up the current situation just fine: While we're at it, here's another...

Can we just have a crusade already?

Your forefathers were stewards of British lands for thousands of years so that in the current year, a foreign writer could bemoan a foreign...