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Tag: immigration plebiscite

Pauline Hanson calls for Immigration Halt

It would have been nice of her to back Fraser Anning’s plebiscite motions in 2018 and 2019, but it is good nevertheless to see...

The great Australian replacement

Originally published on 16/08/2019. A few weeks ago a vote was held in the Australian Senate on whether or not to present a plebiscite to...

Melbourne Traditionalists Episode Four: Political Journies

In this episode Mark Moncrieff from Melbourne Traditionalists interviewed me on my political journey from Liberal Party supporter to the ultra reactionary rascal I...

Australian Parliament Votes AGAINST Immigration Plebiscite AGAIN!

The Australian parliament in Canberra has voted against a bill calling for a plebiscite on immigration numbers. To put this more bluntly, this is...

Katter Cucks on Anning

Bob Katter has succumbed to Leftist pressure and dumped Senator Fraser Anning from his political party in one of the most cowardly political acts...

XYZ Live #39 – It’s NOT OK to be White or...

It has been a big week in Australian politics. Pauline Hanson put a motion to parliament that #It'sOkToBeWhite. Fraser Anning tried to put a...

BREAKING: Fraser Anning to introduce Plebiscite (Restricting NonEuropean Migration) Bill

Remember that time the elites of Australia decided they wanted to drastically alter the demography of Australia by importing hundreds of thousands of people...

Fraser Anning: #ItsOkToBeWhite just virtue signalling without immigration plebiscite

David Hilton reported on the hysterics triggered on the left by Pauline Hanson's motion to the Senate that It's Ok to be White. Since...

Fraser Anning calls Broken Down Shitholes “Broken Down Shitholes”

Senator Fraser Anning has released a 43 second video in which he clearly articulates the central issue facing European countries today: Whites are becoming minorities...

Livestream Interview With Fraser Anning

On Friday we spoke with Fraser Anning of the Katter's Australian Party, who triggered the left on August 14 when in his maiden speech...