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Tag: Immigration crisis

The Irony of the Left

Today I was speaking with an 18 year old German hippy leftist. She asked me about my thoughts on Aborigines. An odd question, and worded...

A Solution to the Migrant Crisis

I have a proposal to solve the refugee crisis. Here it is: We simply need to make sure western countries are deemed "unsafe" for...

Church Moves For Sanctuary Will Harm Those They Seek To Help

This week a number of churches have made public announcements stating their intention to offer sanctuary within church walls for asylum seekers. While this...

Seven unanswered questions concerning the western world’s intake of Syrian refugees

The United Nations and the European Union have spent a lot of time lecturing mainly western nations, together with those member states in central...

The UN’s disingenuous stance on refugees

The disingenuous language and stance on the current immigration crisis continues from the United Nations following the latest statement from UN Secretary General Ban...

Croatian Interior Minister: we are “absolutely full”

Poor Croatia, they were the good guys gushing with humanitarianism for 24 hours. Until the tidal wave of reality swamped them. Hungary will come...

Shocking development in Hungary as sovereign country decides to control its...

In a further sign that the nation of Hungary is on the right track and fully dedicated to that rare commodity in European politics...

Europe enforces its borders

After taking an influx tens of thousand immigrants over the last several days, Germany has announced that it will re-instate border controls. Following Germany's decision,...

Why now?

Let's be frank. War is not new to the Middle East, is it? There's been war and conflict in the Middle East since Adam...

EU to change terminology: “benefit seeker” instead of “migrant” to be...

Breaking News: The EU has asked to simplify terminology in the European "migrant" debate. Hence forth, the term "benefits seekers" will be used. All national...