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Tag: EAM

Total Victory: Monash Council Cancels Groomer Event

And the kvetching has gone right to the top. Once again, Victoria's LGBTQI+ community and entertainers have come under attack by hate groups - this...

Victoria Police Defile Shrine Again: Harass EAM members on Anzac Day

Before I put up the photos from ANZAC day service I want to tell you what happened. Roughly 20 members of The European Australian...

Did Dvir just DENY the holocaust?

Adolf Hitler was born 20 April 1889 and led Germany from 1933 until his death at the end of World War 2 in 1945....

Australia Says No To Groomers

Thomas Sewell today led 20 men in a protest on the steps of parliament in Melbourne against the grooming of children by so-called “trans”...

Proud Aussie Nationalists Repel Pathetic Communist Protest In Sunshine

System harassment of the Legacy Boxing Gym in Sunshine, Melbourne, attempted to step up a gear this weekend. However it was easily repelled and...

False Flag Imminent

The jews are in a constant struggle of how to deal with the rise in White Nationalism, specifically its strongest form - National Socialism. In...

Man Moans That He Wasn’t Invited To Dinner

It has been a while since I started to take note of the ideas espoused in the name of White advocacy. It is a...

Ordinary Aussies Reclaim Anzac Day From Globohomo

Today, the first Anzac Day Dawn Service since 2019 was held at Anzac Cove in Turkey. It featured a big long didgeridoo performance by...

COVER UP: Police Withhold Key Footage In Thomas Sewell Hearing

Incredible evidence was put forward on day 3 of the committal hearing for Thomas Sewell and Jacob Hersant. None of it confirmed the “official”...

The David Hiscox Show Ep. 8: With Brad Ingram

Brad Ingram Truth Viking will join me for a little chat about the latest shenanigans in Victoria at 7pm, AEST. You can find Brad Ingram...