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Tag: Donald Trump

Democrat Deep State Leakers Close to being Exposed

Back in August, US Attorney General Jeff Sessions told the media that the Department of Justice he leads was investigating unprecedented numbers of leaks...

Wang Show Episode 10: Huxtable Show Shitcan-niversary

Episode 10 of the Wang Show: Huxtable Show Shitcan-niversary provides a tour de force of the last year in politics, with a focus on...

Culture is race

Editor: Another encore exploring the topics of race, culture and ethnic nationalism, this time from Adam Piggott. This article by was originally published on 14/11/16...

MSM claim ‘Yes’ vote winning by millions: Sound familiar?

nEwS.cOm have published an article with the screaming headline, 'Yes' vote winning by millions, new data reveals: "Things are looking up for same-sex couples in Australia...

Quote of the Day: The problem in Venezuela

On Tuesday 19th of September, US President Donald Trump gave an important speech outlining American foreign policy priorities. Aside from making it clear that...

Quote of the Day: Trump Braveheart

Nothing like a good reminder of one of our greatest victories. All hail the God Emperor. https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/885651637741658112/pu/vid/640x360/3j42P0YtBnK81gSd.mp4 It's your XYZ.

Bill Whittle: Trump’s Plan for Afghanistan

Bill Whittle and his old crew from PJTV, Scott Ott and Steve Green, are always an excellent source for conservative American news. They lack...

Quote of the Day: The Best Eclipse Ever

In the current year, tweets make headlines.  Tweets and memes are the modern political pamphlet, conveying ideas very efficiently, and straight to the heart...

Chess in the Asia Pacific

When playing chess, capturing a helpless pawn can sometimes waste a move and hand the initiative over to one's opponent. At other times, knocking...

Quote of the Day: Donald Trump is Fair & Balanced

Yesterday, an attempted peaceful protest by right-wing groups in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, against the destruction of a monument dedicated to the memory of one...