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Tag: Donald Trump

Deefer: Misogyny

Here are the lyrics for Deefer's little tune, Mysogyny: Well, I was keepin' to myself Then I heard an accusation From the left wing folk I found disturbin' Was...

Love hates Trump

It's been a while since Keating has been able to put fake news on the internet (the new term for non-establishment pen to paper),...

Emboldened Idiots Given a Platform are the Rot that Destroys Any...

When did you first realise that Regressive Leftism was losing what was very much almost universally accepted establishment status, and was showing the first...

Barack Two-Face Obama

Wasn't lame duck US President Barack Obama saying, barely a couple of weeks ago, that electing Donald Trump would destroy his legacy? "All the progress...

ABC publishes fake news about fake news

What's wrong with this article? http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-11-21/fake-news-could-influence-australian-elections,-commentators-say/8042246 Moses Apostaticus recently penned an excellent article for The XYZ, outlining the hypocrisy of mainstream media referring to alternative news...

Snopes not convinced Donald Trump is President

Editor's note: On November 10, in the wake of Donald Trump's resounding win in the US Presidential Election, I wrote and published the following,...

Victorious fortnight for Western forces of liberty

It has been a victorious fortnight for the ever-growing movement opposed to the authoritarian policies of the regressive left, with victories big and small...

The Night Donald Dakked Waleed

It has been over a week now since the Trumpening. What a week it has been. I hope all those reading XYZ have enjoyed the sterling...

A Picture Tells a Thousand Words About Mainstream Media Bias

Well, there was certainly some tension between President Obama, and President Elect Trump when they met at the White House after the election. Need...

The Safety Pin as a Symbol for the Regressive Left

The Regressive Left (who largely valued #nevertrump hashtags over actually registering to vote Democrat to achieve their desired #nevertrump result) continue to reel over...