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Tag: Donald Trump

President Poopypants Quits

The next move in the political theatre that is the current US Presidential election has been played, with geriatric President Joe Biden stepping down: On...

Deep state dunces

One of the hallmarks of a collapsing civilisation is that the people who should have authority don’t and the people who do have authority...

Donald Trump Survives Assassination Attempt

Never saw it coming…. Shots fired at Trump rally. Character assassination, failed. Attempt to deplete savings, failed. Attempt to silence, failed. Only option left, actual assassination attempt, FAILED. I’ve been...

How Julian Assange Saved The World

Julian Assange is a free man after more than a decade of captivity as a political prisoner. Adam Piggott astutely observes why it now...

The Trump Document Indictment and The Israeli Link

From National Justice Party. Joseph Jordan The Department of Justice formally indicted Donald Trump over his alleged theft of classified documents yesterday. Trump, the first president in...

Support for Slavery Reparations is a Conservative Fait Accompli

From Dissident Mag. Jazzhands McFeels With just one day to go in the year 2022, conservative Tim Pool tweeted that the money the U.S. is sending...

Republican Leaders only care about Themselves

From National Justice Party on 9 August, 2022. Warren Balogh “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye...

Was Donald Trump raid part of The Plan?

The infrastructure for pharmaceutical companies to fast track vaccine manufacturing in the United States was put in place by Executive order of the President...

Trump And The New Watergate

Politically the other President that President Trump resembles the most is President Kennedy, they were both Classical Liberals. But to the broad Left he resembles President...

Psychologies of Dissidence: How do you sell ideas to everyone?

There is a system of personality classification called the MBTI - Myers-Briggs Type Indicators. It is similar to the “Big 5” personality test. MBTI...