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Tag: Donald Trump

Anne Frank used as dog whistle against Trump immigration policy

Donald Trump had a yuge win last week when the US Supreme Court upheld his Muslim ban, and he responded to leftists tears about...

Trump and the High Carb Diet

Self confessed fatty, Brigid Delaney, writes for the Guardian. Admitting to working for the Guardian is amusing enough, but Brigid has recently doubled down by...

Progressive Tantrums, Radical Problem

Spending any amount of time in the trenches of the ‘Culture Wars’ these days, even if it's just running ammunition to those on the...

The conservative madness on immigration

The great failure of modern conservatism has been its inability to hold onto the values for which it once stood, values which built our...

XYZ Live #22: Eurydice Dixon, Media Propaganda and Donald Trump

Working together from Matty's Modern Life's studio, the conversation flowed well during this podcast. Topics covered included: The MSM's manipulation of the rape and...

Get History, not Hysteria

I’m finding it increasingly difficult to contextualise any of today’s news stories, parsed as they are through the polarising lens of the legacy media;...

You Only Need to Fire it Once

Here is an interesting article by Chris Kenny in the Australian: "Let’s be clear, the Singapore summit happened because of Trump’s bellicose rhetoric and hairy-chested...

Donald Trump’s North Korea Propaganda Video is Pure Genius

The entire economic strategy of the North Korean regime in recent decades has involved playing a game of brinksmanship with pussy willow US administrations,...

#XYZ Live #20 – Free Tommy Robinson Protests, Donald Trump at...

David Hiscox and Matty's Modern Life work their way through *that* speech by Geert Wilders at the massive protest for Tommy Robinson in central...

VICTORY: Democrats Rule Trolling a Constitutionally Protected Activity

Scrolling Facebook yesterday, I noticed a little item in Facebook Trending. You know – the little sidebar full of amusing tidbits, all carefully hand-picked...