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Tag: Covid Tyranny

It’s all fake and gay, all of it

Francis Berger has written an excellent piece which raises the question of martyrdom in the coming times and exactly which hill to die upon...

Charges Dropped against Zoe Buhler: Will she sue Dictator Dan?

Remember that time a couple of years ago when people were getting arrested for Facebook posts, everybody had to get a digital ID and...

Dictator Dan wants us to stop calling him Dictator Dan

The walking back of the Covid Narrative by the mainstream Lying Press gets curiouser and curiouser. One outlet has published a piece which not...

This is the Alternative

In response to my piece on the Canadian truckers, people have been asking what the alternative way is to fight the system. How do...

Covid Tyranny: Never Forget what happened in Australia – Red Ice...

This morning I was a guest on Red Ice TV, interviewed by Henrik Palmgren. In the first hour we summarised the Covid Tyranny inflicted upon...

Do Doctors Pray?

My article against science caused some disagreement in the comments. That’s fine, I’m not looking for consensus here. But to clarify, when I refer...

The Media did its job

In a sea of lies and falsehoods, perhaps the most egregious example of the media deliberately publishing outright lies as fact was the British...