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Tag: conservative

Conservative Parties: Five Criteria

Any Right of Centre Party is described by the media as "Conservative". Even the members and Politicians of such Parties refer to themselves and...

Sir Roger Scruton

Sir Roger Scruton, the great conservative philosopher, thinker and writer, has died. Well, we all have to go sometime I suppose. This one irks...

Right or Economic Liberalism

Liberalism is an economic theory and it states that trade, money and the work force should be free from constraint, able to move around...

Creating Ghettos

When people say Tony Abbot was a conservative remember this. As Prime Minister he let in 12,000 people from Syria and Iraq. Today only...

Conservatives are the gamma males of the right

This is a somewhat depressing post from Dalrock, an unwelcome reminder that as far as feminism goes the rot truly has set in very...

The TRUE Fake Marriage Agenda Exposed

This video is discussing the Gay Marriage vote and what’s happened in Australia as a direct result of it. The YES side harassed and bullied...

What the hell happened to One Nation? Last year a good bloke recommended a public figure called Emma Eros as a writer for The XYZ. She had an online following, was...

Quote of the Day: Stupid Woman

The British voted for Brexit because they wanted to get their country back. The British are losing their own country because conservatives who fight...

XYZ Live #46 – Leyonhjelm Loses it and Tony Abbott just...

Tony Abbott wrote an intriguing piece last week for Quadrant, in which he reviewed a book by Conservative former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper....

Could Malcolm’s Wentworth revenge work in Nationalists’ favour?

Malcolm Turnbull is an NPC who should never have been let anywhere near the Liberal Party. He wreaked havoc as PM, dragging the Libs...