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Tag: Christianity

The Traditional Man is Christian

We begin with Christianity, because Christianity is the beginning and the end of everything. Without it, we are lost. With it, we have hope...

Do it for God

Downstream from worshiping God through Christ are all of the troubles of this world. It’s not that we should ignore them, far from it,...

People have to turn back to God

“Stephen!” “What’s up! Are you Ok?!” “Stephen, I’ve got something to tell you!” “What? Are you ok?! “Stephen I need to tell you this.” Pause. “Jesus didn’t come...

It’s just a trick

On my diatribe yesterday on fiddling while the world burns, Bruce Charlton had this to say: Unlike all the traditional stories; there is no significant...

The Straight White Christian Man

I find myself in a limbo land. The land that I inhabit is a strange realm where lies that have been perpetuated for generations...

We Reject their Science

More readers calmly take exception to my position on science versus God. Adam, this may be your stupidest blog post ever. You’ve made the mistake...

Rejection of God is the source of Covid Tyranny

Most people in today’s Western societies have a self image of themselves as nice people. Good people. It’s a self image that is an...

Masculinity does not lead to Godliness

My piece yesterday on lifting with morality generated some excellent discussion, both here and on other sites. What I want to focus on today...

Lifting with Morality

In my last piece on the issue of effeminacy in men of today, there was a discussion initiated by Bruce Charlton over whether weight...

Truth and God

Editor: On Saturday, January 8, 2021, Stephen Wells gave a speech against Covid Tyrranny and for God. It was excellent fire and brimstone. He balanced...