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Tag: Australian Government

The Australian Government is colluding with a foreign power to oppress...

It’s the Jews. That’s the tl;dr. The slightly longer tl;dr is that the Australian and Victorian governments are colluding with a private security firm called the...

Australian Government and Media Incites Terrorist Attack Against Russian Embassy In...

Guess what happens when you pump out fake news about a Russian tank deliberately ramming Ukrainian cars and propaganda about Russian airstrikes deliberately targeting kindergartens? This: BREAKING...

Is The Australian Government Worth Fighting For?

ScotchedEarth asked two questions on the article Politics is not beneath us, the second is in the title above. Many reading this will instinctively say...

K.Rudd “Not Suited for Job”

Earlier today, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced that the Australian Government will not be nominating anyone, namely former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, for the...

Malcolm Only Has Malcolm to Blame

What a disaster the 2 July election is unfolding for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. The Coalition's chance of forming a majority government in the Australian...

Vote Green for a change

No, you did not misread the headline. I am seriously proposing that we all vote Green. Why would we do this to ourselves and...

A Green Government for Australia?

Australian Greens leader, Richard Di Natale has stated today that he is expecting a Greens "breakthrough" at this year's July federal election, and believes...

Why 18C Should be Repealed

During a speech in April 2013, the then Prime Minister of Australia, Tony Abbott vowed to repeal controversial Section 18C of the the Racial Discrimination...

Are We Really Taking Domestic Violence Seriously?

Over the last few days, the Australian Government's campaign to address domestic violence has been plastered throughout our local media. The campaign ads at...

All I Want for Christmas is $500 Million

Just over 6 months ago, XYZ broke onto the stage of Australia's media. And what an incredible time is has been! In this short period...