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Jewish Organizations Are Close To Legally Ending Free Speech On The...

From National Justice Party. Joseph Jordan The Supreme Court is currently authoring its opinion on Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, an enormously consequential...

Twitter’s real owners school Musk

Chris Monahan Twitter CEO Elon Musk on Wednesday announced that he talked with ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt and other “civil society leaders” about how Twitter...

The Strange Rittenhouse Trial

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill on November 17, 2021. Kyle Rittenhouse has since been cleared of charges by the jury. You can purchase...

Welcome to the Machine

Via William Tychonievich I watched the following short video of Jonathan Pageau taking apart a speech that Apple CEO Tim Cook gave to the...

Simon Hickey’s Submission to the Inquiry into Extremist Movements and Radicalism...

January 30, 2021 To whom it may concern, I am writing to make what I consider important submissions to this committee relating to its current review...

ADL Joins 48 Jewish Organizations To Demand Biden Administration Sneak Blanket...

Originally published at National Justice on 11 June, 2021. American Jewry is demanding the legalization of America's large illegal alien population. 49 national and state-level Jewish...

Federal Government’s “Domestic Extremism” Committee Is Being Run By The ADL...

The US government's war on political dissent is being guided by private left-wing and Zionist organizations, National Justice can report. An internal document regarding the Pentagon's...

Zionism vs Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of Dvir Abramovich

The Centre Party On February 8, 1920 in the Illustrated Sunday Herald Winston Churchill wrote an article entitled ‘Zionism vs Bolshevism a Struggle for the...

Tucker Refuses to Cuck: Slams ADL

A few days ago Tucker Carlson forced the subject of White Replacement to the centre of discourse in the West: It is irrefutable that Western...

Memo Reveals That The FBI Is Opposed To The Domestic Terrorism...

Originally published at National Justice. A January 19th Department of Justice memo obtained by Evan Semones shows that intelligence operatives are expressing reluctance about the Domestic Terrorism...