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Quote of the Day: JK Rowling and Personal Responsibility

Our Quote of the Day comes from J.K. Rowling. We think J.K. Rowling is right on point about adults taking personal responsibility here. What do you think?

Why is My Stealthy Freedoms not a major news story?

One of the most remarkable sites on Facebook is My Stealthy Freedoms. It is a site on which Iranian women post photos of themselves, without any head covering, so you can see their hair. I...

XYZ Viewer Poll: Maggie Thatcher the preferred speaker

After the ABC made it clear last week that being alive is no longer a barrier to fulfilling the role of Speaker in the Australian House of Representatives, The XYZ concluded that this threw...

Adam Goodes wades into Dubai cultural racism debate

Former Australian of the Year Adam Goodes has today strengthened his foreign policy credentials for the Greens ahead of next year's looming election. The cultural warrior's comments were in response to an incident in Dubai,...

A man without honour

The Australian reported this morning: that "a man was arrested in Dubai after he fought off lifeguards trying to save his drowning daughter, telling them that he would rather she die than be "dishonoured"...

Quote of the day – Monday 10 August 2015

Islamic women talking about female genital mutilation and acid attacks "gives racists more ammunition." Oh my Lord. A rather sad quote of the day for Monday 10 August.

Doctor Killjoy

The wonders of modern science. Is there not a nightly newscast that passes by without some new study into the therapeutic effects of a rare plant growing in a remote region of the Amazon...

The media and room 101

Things they do not want us to see: 1) Waleed Aly being asked his opinions on same sex marriage. 2) The Greens, in company with their Islamic allies, talking about the importance of women's rights, gay...

Ferguson flairs as gunshots are fired

Marking the first anniversary of the shooting of Michael Brown, heavy gunfire has transpired at Ferguson, Missouri, leaving at least one person shot and police cars riddled with bullet holes. President Barack Obama must take...

Yes Islamophobia hurts, so does Genital Mutilation

On Saturday, a two hundred strong crowd gathered in the Melbourne suburb of Coburg for an Islamophobia forum. But by omitting two widespread violent practices, the Islamophobia Forum placed political point-scoring above honestly addressing...