Playing Spot the White Man in England
What’s the difference between a Paki and a Nigger? A Paki will rape and kill your women, whilst a Nigger will kill and eat them.
It wasn’t supposed to be a joke and you’re not...
Who betrayed Lidia Thorpe?
It is an axiom of politics that everybody has dirt on everybody. It is expedient to hold onto this dirt as one would an ace up one’s sleeve, to play the card when it...
The New Black Sovereign
Alex McNabb
I’ve been following the trial of Darrell Brooks, a Black man accused of killing six people during a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Putting aside for a moment the heinous carnage unleashed on...
The stuff of revolutions
Even though I am trying to avoid writing about current affairs, the forced resignation of the woman who sat in the prime minister’s seat in Great Britain cannot be ignored. Truss holds the record...
If Liz Truss had been a housewife she’d be much happier
Following up from my, is she a one bagger or two bagger article on the demise of Liz Truss as Britain’s latest lame Prime Minister, I think it’s worth making the following point: no...
Our Masculine Strength
I once told a friend that the servers at Latin Mass, in particular, evoke a great sense of both pride and humility in me. Here we have – in some cases – boys as...
Liz Truss is a two bag job
When I look at Liz Truss, the only thing that goes through my mind is would I have liked to shag her when we were both younger? She’s got big tits and a fat...
Floods and drought are nothing new
Viv Forbes
There is nothing unusual about today’s floods, fires, droughts, homelessness and hunger – they have always been part of the human story. But satellite technology allows us to track them better and our...
French George Floyd Moment: Girl Raped, Tortured & Murdered By Algerian Woman
It should be noted from the outset that the comparison of this case to that of George Floyd is egregious. George Floyd was a criminal and a drug addict who once held a gun...
XYZ Live 15: BRICSA This and BRICSA That
The XYZ and Racer teams are joined by Thomas Sewell to go over his conspicuous absence from Todd Sampson's documentary series Mirror Mirror, and upstaging attempts to sexually groom children.
We also go over our...