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Quote of the day, 16 September 2015

Today's quote of the day is from John Black, former Labor senator, speaking on the China Free Trade Agreement: "It's a throwback to the Labor Party of about 100 years or so ago, when you...

Raise the Red Flag, take down the Union Jack

When Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the British Labour Party less than a week ago, he celebrated by singing the Socialist anthem 'The Red Flag' in a crowded Westminster pub. Vision here http://www.mirror.co.uk/…/watch-labour-leader-jeremy-corbyn…. A...

New Matilda maintains the Rage

The political demise of man who has dedicated his life to service of his country, and ascended all the way to political leadership of it, will normally at least extract a tribute of sorts,...

XYZ Viewer Poll: Will Turnbull as PM affect your vote?

Now that the dust has settled, it is a good time to take stock of where people are placed regarding the events of the last few days. The latest XYZ Viewer Poll asks the...

Time for Islamic leaders to address aggression and intolerance in Muslim communities

It is disappointing to see that the president of the Australian Iraqi Muslim Society, Abdul Razak Mohamed has come out today and accused former Prime Minister Tony Abbott of being "engaged in fear mongering...

Turnbull to ABC: I thought you looooved me?

Malcolm Turnbull has reportedly been "deeply hurt" by the sudden turn of the ABC against him since he took up his position as Prime Minister of Australia. The ABC had been very very very...

Former Greens leader: What a fruitcake!

After one of our viewers appeared to so earnestly desire to know just who used the phrase "choose coal or choose death," or to be exact, "do you want death or do you want...

Quote of the day: 15 September, 2015

Intriguingly, today's quote of the day comes in response to the article "choose coal or choose death" from our contributor, Keating: Who would've thought we'd end up with a quote of the day, quoting XYZ,...

Media and Twiterrati execute another Australian Coup d’etat

Tony Abbott was recently un-democratically deposed as the leader of the Australian Government and Liberal Party, in a media and polling inspired coup d'etat. His Prime Ministership was undermined by a toxic media, with...

Tony Abbott: A graceful end

Tony Abbott's final speech as Prime Minister, to a packed parliament house courtyard, was typical of the man many have known in private. Almost without exception, the private Tony Abbott is highly personable, loyal...