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“Death to America” – not personal says Iran’s president

In one of the more bizarre and amusing pieces of news for a while, Iran's president Hassan Rouhani has tried to reassure 'skeptical' Americans that Iranis don't mean what they say when they chant...

Liz versus Big Man

What a sensational piece by Elizabeth Farrelly in this week's Sneering Morning Herald. What a shame almost no one reading it will have the faintest idea what it means - apart from cosmological theologians,...

PJTV Video: Critical Theory, and what to do about it.

Here is an important video, via the brilliant PJTV, which gets to the heart of the Culture War, not to mention who started it. It briefly summarises Critical Theory - devised by the Frankfurt School...

Croatian Interior Minister: we are “absolutely full”

Poor Croatia, they were the good guys gushing with humanitarianism for 24 hours. Until the tidal wave of reality swamped them. Hungary will come out looking visionary. It was the Gates of Vienna in...

A new conservative party for Australia?

The demise of Tony Abbott as PM, and the particularly vicious way it executed earlier this week has left scores of conservative supporters of the Liberal party hurt and angry. Many Liberal Party members and...

Real Crusades History video: The Crusades saved Europe

I strongly recommend this amazing video by "Real Crusades History." It is worth watching this video as an introduction, and then going through the entire series in your own time. It frames the Crusades...

Wowsers win (again)

The publisher of boy's mag Zoo Weekly has axed the often controversial magazine in both its print and digital version, blaming "tough retail conditions." Readers will appreciate this as code language for faux feminist...

Shocking development in Hungary as sovereign country decides to control its own border

In a further sign that the nation of Hungary is on the right track and fully dedicated to that rare commodity in European politics - common sense - the nation and its leaders have...

Learn to speak Australian, mate!

Check out this amusing video where Labor senator Penny Wong chastises Liberal senator Ian Macdonald for telling senator Doug Cameron to "learn to speak Australian". Senator Wong remarked that it was an inappropriate phase, given...

Prager University Video: “The Wrong Side Of History”

There is so much in this Prager University video, which was brought to our attention by our contributor Vic Timms. It explores how the phrase "the wrong side of history" is used by Barack Obama,...