BREAKING NEWS: Turkey Shoots Down Russian Jet
After a tense few days between the nations, a Turkish warplane has just shot down a Russia fighter which was said to have violated Turkish airspace near Syria.
There is an old Chinese curse:...
The Devil Loves Microagressions
If there is one thing we can take from the scourge of "microaggressions", (a word that does not appear in most spell-checkers,) which is currently sweeping universities across the Western world, it is this:
Gladys Berejiklian Goes Blank on Disruptive Tech
Introducing XYZ's newest contributor, Dean Hamstead
As a teenager, I envied others with large music collections. A friend of mine had a CD carousel holding more albums than I owned, which no doubt cost many...
The Disappearance of Childhood
I have recently finished reading a very engaging, and prophetic book – 'the Disappearance of Childhood' by cultural critic and media theorist, Neil Postman.
First published in 1982, Postman observes the disappearance of the modern...
WARNING – offensive content
The contents of this clip, an advertisement produced by the Church of England, have been deemed too offensive to be show to British cinema-goers. Please exercise a high degree of caution if you do...
Prayer “too Controversial” for Cinema
Apparently the 'Lord's Prayer' is too controversial for British cinema goers.
The advertisement below was passed uncut by the British Board of Film Classification, as well as receiving the go-ahead from the Cinema Advertising Authority.
Sam Newman Pays Out on Political Correctness
Sam Newman pays out on political correctness - "we are being bullied into silence" - listen and enjoy!
The Ford’s Prayer
Our spiritual guardian, who art in all,
Equal in outcomes be thy name.
Thy utopia come, the people's will, decided by a small murderous clique of those who have annointed themselves the arbiters of the people's...
A World Where Terrorists Uphold Gun Laws
"Robust" gun laws, and cultural diversity would reduce Australia's risk to terrorism Justice Minister, Michael Keenan said today.
Minister Keenan told Sky News that the combination meant it would be very difficult to "perpetrate something...
Micro-Aggression and the End of Speech
Readers of XYZ may recall being briefed recently on that new, and more virulent, form of the political correctness virus now sweeping academia and rampaging through a campus near you. Micro-aggression it is called....