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Stop Progress: Support the Coalition of Obsolete Industries!

Whatever happened to the proud professions of chimney sweeping, horseshoeing, and that man who'd come and empty that putrid can at the back of your house that would act as your toilet? We no longer...

Short Test a relief for Tasmanian Greens – ‘We hate all sport.’

A "spokesperson" for the Tasmanian Greens has expressed relief at the uncompetitive performance of former cricket powerhouse the West Indies, in the First Test match against Australia at Bellerive Oval. The match was record...

“Peaceful confrontation is not going to work” – left wing protester

I was stunned to have read one of the most balanced articles I have ever happened to come across from the Sydney Morning Herald. Today, Tim Elliot from the SMH actually reported on the violence...

The story of Adam and Edwin

Pinks Fuhrer Adam Bent is set to reveal that his family will be extended by the inclusion of a 46 year old spouse. The Bents will further enhance their progressive credentials if, as leaked...

Cronulla – ten years on

  So the tenth anniversary of the Cronulla riots occurs today, and the ABC, with the willing cooperation of our 'race commissioner', is falling over itself to remind us how we racist we Australians are....

I want to be a six year old girl too

A Canadian father, 46 years old and married for 23 years with seven children, has left his wife and family to come out as transgender, and to live with a new family as a...

Waleed Aly: It’s Time For A Frank Conversation on Islam

Today Kirralie Smith, the founded of Halal Choices and New South Wales senate candidate for the new conservative party, Australian Liberty Alliance, has issued a challenge to Waleed Aly: Kirralie Smith said: "Come on Waleed, let's talk...

Fly on the wall in the Aussie dressing room

The XYZ has obtained the following transcript of a discussion the Aussie cricketers had at lunch at Bellerive today: Steve Smith: "Nice work boys. And Geez Voges, don't take all day." Adam Voges: "Cheers skip." Boof: "Yeah...

XYZ Christmas Drinking Game

How about an XYZ Christmas drinking game. Reading selected passages from the koran, every time a trigger warning or safe space is required, have a drink. Every time a message of peace is included, you...

LGBTI against islamisation

In response to the Facebook page I saw around LGBTI against islamisation of our nations I have the following to say: Please do not protest. Our progressive overlords, who also do your bidding, know...