Melbourne Lord Mayor SLAMMED for saying lockdown was good
No Covid Amnesty for you.
The mayor of the Australian city that suffered through the most lockdowns during Covid-19 is under fire for arguing the pandemic was 'good for' her city.
Sally Capp, the Lord Mayor...
The Absolute Answer Is Wrong
Liberalism likes the absolute answer, it likes the idea that near at hand is an answer that will completely solve a problem. But that answer is always wrong, just as all universal answers, also...
XYZ Live 19: Can’t Out-Jig The Hig and The Nig
Tomorrow evening The XYZ and Racer teams will host a Victorian Election Special. We’ll have all the best election analysis and the best guests.
Coverage will start from about 7:45 pm AEDT. Find us at...
The Mirage of Democracy
With each passing month, the illusion of “liberal democracy” is beginning to dissolve before our very eyes. With three Prime Ministers having come and gone within the past few months, each one as treacherous,...
BONDI TERRORIST ATTACK: Friendly Jordies’ House Firebombed
There is talk of gallows and “red mist” from independent candidates and MP’s in Victoria. Now an independent journalist has been firebombed.
It’s basically a terrorist attack. Politics in Australia is radicalising:
Police are investigating a...
Ian Cranston: Guilty of Self-Defense while White
Originally published at National Justice Party.
Warren Balogh
Do White people have a right to defend themselves?
The answer is no, according to the verdict in the trial of Ian Cranston.
The 27-year old resident of Bend, Oregon...
Parasite Makes Right
When buck Kangaroos contest for dominance over their biological continuation, the kangaroo species needs ‘might to make right’ and ‘the strongest and healthiest to win’.
When two men duel, the mediator declares before the contest,...
And Therefore I Must Rage
The turning of the new age
Brings fortunes bleak and stale;
The crowned are bent, without hale,
Marching morons spin their tale
And therefore I must rage.
Fortuned merchant makes coin and
Sends to the sodden minds in skid;
Who'd make...
How to protest effectively
I and others have advocated for focusing our time and energy on building local communities and parallel societies in response to the Globalist Agenda being rolled out.
Mass protests are a waste of time, Democracy...
Fake abo running for Labor in Victorian election
Andrew Bolt was right. He was always right:
A relative of a Victorian Labor candidate who has described herself as a "proud Yorta Yorta woman" has said their family has no Indigenous ancestry and has never...