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Ukraine: Europe’s War 10 Months On

From Patriotic Alternative. Edward Saunders On the 24th February of this year, Russia launched the largest invasion in Europe since World War Two, sending approximately 250,000 men into battle. At first there were rapid gains for...

Germans: The World’s Most Persecuted People

Recently I had therapy sessions with some European establishment-drones. The experiences were so harrowing that I find it therapeutic to relate them to XYZ, in the vain hope that other people might find some...

Elon Musk’s Twitter Takeover Hangover

From Dissident Mag. Jazzhands McFeels Back when Musk’s announcement to acquire Twitter was still fresh, my initial instinct at the time was to assume Musk had been selected as the frontman selectivelyreforming the social media platform...

Dob in a Covid Denier video goes VIRAL

This video of Queensland Deputy Police Commissioner Tracy Linford telling people to dob in Covid deniers to counterterrorism police has exploded across the internet: Dob in a Covid Denier. That’s where Australia is at now.#COVID19...

The End of the Peterson Fraud

This week I posted a little something on Gab which has turned out to be my most liked and commented post there so far. It went a little something like this: The high level of...

“Dob in” a Thought Criminal: Police exploit Queensland shooting to target Freedom Movement

Queensland Police are now actively targeting thought criminals, with the Deputy Commissioner openly calling for people to dob in anybody they notice contradicting The Narrative. From the Daily Mail: Deputy Commissioner Linford urged the public to...

Australia’s Chinese Foreign Minister goes home: Says China is nice now

To make China respect Australia, the AnAl Labor government has sent a gimp masked Chinese lesbian to China and used the term “normalise”. It’s so meta: Australia’s foreign affairs minister, Penny Wong, has raised human rights,...

Kerryn Phelps Injured By Vax: Claims Doctors Censored

What a crazy, extreme right conspiracy theorist. She’s probably the kind of person who will ambush innocent police officers and murder them in cold blood for no reason whatsoever. Beware the dark rabbit hole of...

Thomas Sewell found guilty: Judge reads from notes

Thomas Sewell was today found guilty of affray and recklessly causing injury in relation to an incident outside the Channel 9 building at 717 Bourke Street, Melbourne in March 2021. In a statement to the...

The Cultural Decline Is Real

From Patriotic Alternative. Edward Saunders When I was a boy, (and this is just over 20 years ago), Middle Wallop Airshow used to have a mass event that was known the world over. The Army Air...