Anthony Pratt’s Political Shift?
Without an understanding of the Jewish Question, Jewish political behaviour is inexplicable to most mainstream political observers. That was my reaction upon reading yesterday’s headline that Anthony Pratt, once Australia’s richest man (now dropped down to...
Erskine Residents Outraged by Threats of Far-left Violence
From Patriotic Alternative.
Kenny Smith
Local residents in Erskine have condemned far-left extremists who have been coming into the Renfrewshire town and issuing threats against the Erskine Says No campaigners. The community has been peacefully demonstrating...
Wasting our Luck
The use of the term 'lucky country' to describe Australia, was first coined by Donald Horne in 1964, and far from the compliment it is interpreted as today, was in fact intended as a...
Dutton discovers racism is only racist if the left says it is racist
Peter Dutton proves once again that he is a clueless liberal who will always lose because he fights the left on their own turf:
Opposition leader Peter Dutton was “disingenuous” when he said it was...
Lidia Thorpe denies “dating” bikie: Admits she’s a drunken skank
Loony Lidia keeps jumping from one lie to another:
Senator Lidia Thorpe has denied she ever dated former Rebels bikie boss Dean Martin and instead alleged she was told by lawyers for the Greens to...
Is Liberalism A Logic or a Conspiracy?
Liberalism is the political philosophy that everyone in the West lives under and in the English speaking world it has been that way since 1689. Yet when people ask the question, what has gone...
Fag RAAF Crews Traumatised by Based Chinese Warriors
The best way to prevent the suicide of former ADF personnel is to stop sending our boys to fight wars for Israel:
From the ABC:
The Air Force has revealed Australian pilots and aircrew are offered...
A Turning Point
From Patriotic Alternative.
Tom Batten
It’s an exciting time to be a nationalist. While it’s easy to feel dispirited as our corrupt government works to systematically destroy our beloved country through mass immigration and inept economic...
Ukraine is the Dress Rehearsal for WWIII
The Spanish Civil War which was fought between 1936 and 1939 is commonly considered to be the dress rehearsal for the Second World War. Two nations in particular sent aid to the conflict’s combatants....
XYZ Live 33: Inclusive Landline of the Pod People
We hold our vomit as we dissect the ABC's fawning coverage of all things gay. We also tackle the jewish war on low-density living and how property developers are benefiting from ever increasing interest...