Thought for the Day: Trump is finally wrong about something

This is a bit of old news, but that never stopped us here at The XYZ. The other day, Donald Trump got in trouble for paying a complement to Brigitte Macron, wife of French...

Breaking: Buffy Going Gender-Bender

Editor's note: This article was initially published on July 21, 2016. Given the subject of rewriting male characters as female is back in the news, we felt it was a good time for an...

The Free Market of Ideas Eats It’s Greens

Well, they say things come in threes. Now it appears that the Greens may lose a third senator to a collosally incompetent oversight that speaks volumes not only about the attitude of the party...

Food for thought – Can’t Stop the White Fight

Thanks to another 30-day ban on (((Facebook))) for “hate speech”, I’ve had lots of free time this week to rack up a tonne of shift work, while affording me a moment or so to...

The Real Reason Why the Handmaid’s Tale is so Relevant in 2017

No, it's not what you think. This isn't a tired overreaching Vox hit piece on the not even tenuous connection between the hit television series based on a book by Margaret Atwood and the...

Wally of the Week: Larissa Waters and the Greens

It is with great pleasure that The XYZ can announce, in the spirit of gender equality to which it always strives, its second Wally of the Week, named after Everybody's Favourite Muslim Apologist, Waleed...

BBC Announce Doctor Who’s Final Season

In a move that was not so much foreshadowed in the just completed season of Doctor Who as dragged across the sky in a very large banner, the soon-to-regenerate Doctor is to become a...

How to Survive and Move on from a Feminist Single Mother

The last time I spoke to my mother was almost nine years ago. I rang to let her know that I was getting married. As we were living on opposite ends of the planet...

Quote of the Day: Jordan Peterson on Speaking the Truth

I have noted several times on The XYZ since the epic political victories in 2016, that an intellectual space has opened up for those of us on the right, whether we consider ourselves conservatives,...

Leftie European Dreams Railroad Melbourne

About a decade and a half ago, my left-wing friends started coming back from Europe and lecturing anyone who would listen on how everything was better there. Two main points stood out from the...

Social Justice Warriors Take Over Gallifrey

To start with, I am a nerd, and I have accepted this as my lot in life. Thankfully, I never reached neckbeard status. One of my nerdy pleasures has always been the BBC show Doctor...

Bill Leak – Talking Picture

Editor's note: Liberator Zen has produced a wonderful video on the life and work of the late Bill Leak. It covers his early years, his strong reputation for challenging the fascism of political correctness,...

All the Indicators are Pointing to Women being an Unmitigated Disaster in the Workplace

An unintentionally hilarious article in The Australian today: All the indicators are pointing to a dearth of women in economics. "I wholeheartedly agree that the lack of women in senior roles in business and economic...

Government is the Problem for Aussie Broadband

Dean Hamstead I have had two conversations on social media recently in which I have argued for free market broadband in Australia as the answer to repeated government failures in that sector. I won't offer...

Thought for the Day: Section 44, Treason, and the Greens

Section 44 of the Australian Constitution sets out restrictions on a person's eligibility to hold Federal Office: 44. Any person who - (i.) Is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power,...

Wally of the Week: Scott Ludlam

It has been a while since XYZ held a Wally of the Week, but this is about as good as it gets. Federal Greens Senator for Western Australia Scott Ludlam has been forced to resign,...

Aussie Nationalists Make the News in Sydney

There is a new player in town on the Australian Alt Right, and they have hit the ground running, making the news in Sydney with some well designed flyers which triggered the usual suspects: "RACIST...

Food for Thought – Impeachment Impossible

(((Brad Sherman))), the Russian Jewish Democrat for California's 30th congressional district, and Al Green the Democrat for Texas's 9th congressional district (and former Houston President of the NAACP) formally introduced an article of impeachment...

My initial Dutch observations

I’ve been in Holland for three weeks, and in this time certain observations have turned into realizations of fundamental differences between where I was and where I now reside. That’s a convoluted way of...

Wonder Woman – Not the Greatest Movie Ever

Being either a brave independent spirit who refuses to bend the knee before the tyranny of the Hollywood commandments, or alternatively just a lazy sod who takes forever to get around to doing things,...