Their Kids Belong With Family

Gerry Wood is wrong. He's indigenous, which means he's better than us, and a black man being wrong is obviously not as bad as a white man being wrong. But still! I read with...

Satirists Conveniently Frame VB and Bintang Singlets as Western Values

Much has been said about Western values in the wake of 457 reforms proposed by the Turnbull Government. As always, satirists are giving their take on Australian values, which are essentially interchangeable with Western...

Democracy is for other people

At time of writing, the French presidential elections were about to begin, which means that at time of reading everything is likely to be all over bar the rioting. Rioting? Well of course. A French philosopher,...

The Millennial s— sandwich

The good Cappy has a post where his secret agent in the teaching profession spills the beans on what the kids at school think of all the leftist indoctrination. “They’re not swallowing it anymore. They’re...

Quote of the Day: St Athanasius

This Easter Sunday's Quote of the Day comes from the fourth century A.D. "It was unworthy of the goodness of God that creatures made by Him should be brought to nothing through the deceit wrought...

Quote of the Day: Jordan Peterson on Bass

Professor Jordan Peterson, a Canadian professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, has shot to fame in less than a year since he made a video voicing his concerns over political correctness and...

Personal Growth and Liberty, but I repeat myself

The 90’s were an interesting time for a kid. A time before the internet, not before it was invented, but before it became mainstream. I remember regularly visiting a friend as a six-year-old and...

Qantas is an esteemed Corporate Citizen

Well, it's come to this. Here at the Deaprtment of Inequality Studies, I am in my office from 10-2, Monday to Thursday. Well, actually one hour of that I'm out at lunch. It can be...

Quote of the Day: John 3:16

It's Good Friday. This is a well known verse. It sums up the point of the day, and it sums up the whole point of Christianity. "For God so loved the world that He gave...

Norse News: Swedes find their voice

It has been a rude shock as editor of an alternative news outlet to constantly discover over the last two years just how little I yet know about the world, and that takes a...

Quote of the Day: Yet another muslim who speaks from the koran yet doesn’t...

Another day, another public relations disaster for local apologists for terror who are banned overseas but not here, Hizb ut-Tahrir. These delightful ladies explore how the koran's teachings mean a husband is "permitted" not "obliged"...

Thought for the Day: Stockholm Syndrome

One of the victims of the Stockholm terror attacks was a Belgian psychiatrist dedicated to assisting failed asylum seekers who are expected to leave. At least she died doing what she loved. Photo by freddie...

Syria: It’s a complicated issue and there are strong arguments on both sides

The XYZ has always been a forum for differing opinions, and the US airstrike on Syria in response to the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime is no exception. You can read...

Three cheers for Pauline and death to the ABC!

Thank God, someone finally did it. One Nation has declared that they will block government cuts until such a time as those cuts include the budgetary evisceration of the leftist sheltered workshop that is the...

Quote of the Day: Is Democracy Doomed To Failure?

Tonight's reading comes from Nick Land, whose writing on Neoreaction and the Dark Enlightenment is very dense reading, and it will most likely take you to a very dark place, but it is very,...

Regurgitator Too Cisgender to Headline in Canberra

Bat 21 Quan Yeomans, lead singer of Regurgitator learned the hard way recently that once you achieve actual tangible equality in any society, you go straight from being the victim, to being the oppressor. As...

You’re the voice of transphobic bigotry Channel 9, try and understand it

Well, Channel 9 showed that they won the Gold Logie for Bigotry last year when they allowed the vile comments of Sonya Kruger about Islam to be broadcast, and then incredibly not fire her....

Crickets Heard as Social Media Users Self-Censor Regarding the Suffering in Egypt

Usually a post on SMH covering needless slaughter in the Middle East would draw hundreds of waspish social justice warriors from gentrified suburbs, and hundreds more heavily conditioned plebs looking to curry favour with...

Quote of the Day: Taxation is Theft

Regular visitors of the internet would be familiar with a particularly epic meme, a meme which has developed through the ages via various philosophers, economists, and the occasional tea party. It has been best...