Thought for the Day: Why Adam Piggott is right

A line of Adam Piggott's has stuck in my mind the last couple of days: "The last two speakers to tour Australia who got a huge reception from the right have been a Jewish homosexual...

Yes, Taxation IS Theft, deal with it

Last year I made a video entitled Taxation is Theft. It wasn’t the first time anyone had made a video with this title but I made it anyway because Taxation is indeed theft and...

Keep the Right Plates Spinning

There’s an iconic scene from the early days of The Ed Sullivan Show featuring a popular vaudeville-style entertainer doing the old spinning-plates routine, always just on the verge of a manic catastrophe. It was obviously...

Three Voices That Shouldn’t Be Ignored: Peterson, McGrath & Hitchens On Faith, Society &...

There’s no real need to give you a one thousand word commentary on the following lectures because the content in each speaks for itself. I’ve watched all three; each of them reflect what I’ve...

Israel Folau, Gay Marriage, Bullying of Christians and Free Speech in Australia

In the lead up to the fake marriage plebiscite, the Yes campaign made three lies which were absolute whoppers: Gay couples are the same as straight ones There are no consequences to the change ...

Kanye v His People: Can he make them Great

There is something strange happening here, and what it is, is not exactly clear... so stop, hey what's that sound, everybody look around.... Yes, sometimes music captures the essence of an era of change, where...

XYZ Live #14 – Bill Shorten’s Tampon GST, Trump the Peacemaker, Alfie Evans and...

David Hiscox and Matty's Modern Life supplemented their usual footy banter with some preamble about the growing political correctness of TripleM, who despite hosting a discussion about a holocaust joke made at the Melbourne...

The exposure of the real Jordan Peterson

My piece on Jordan Peterson got linked to by the great man himself. Let’s see how he examined my arguments and firmly rebutted them. After all, I am in the business of putting out...

If This Is Compassion

Alfie Evans is dead. His brave and loving parents have all my sympathy. As this is not the UK, where "malicious communication" is now an offence requiring police investigation, let us engage in a little...

R.I.P. Alfie Evans: R.I.P. Great Britain

In Great Britain, if you are raped by a brown person the establishment don't care. In Great Britain, if you own a bike wheel the police will disarm you. In Great Britain if you...

Not only is Jordan Peterson not an alpha male, he’s a member of the...

On the latest episode of The Greasy Pole podcast I discussed with The Great One the claim that Jordan Peterson is an alpha male as claimed in this article – Jordan Peterson is the...

Let My People Go

Go down, Moses ​​Way down in Egypt land ​​Tell old Pharaoh ​​Let my people go. You may have heard of Alfie Evans. He is a sick little boy in the UK, just shy of his second birthday, who...

The Syria counter-analysis

Samuel Medici This is a reply to Matty’s Modern Life's video on the recent gas attacks in Syria. Let me start by saying Matty is a legend and an expert on the subject of Green Communism....

California Moves to Prohibit Organized Christianity

When you see that Snopes and Politifact have recently rated as ‘false’ a claim that a particular piece of legislation could ban the Bible, you know that said piece of legislation will probably ban...

A counterpoint to “When will it be time to short Tesla?”

Adam Piggott's recent article When will it be time to short Tesla? stirred me to write a counterpoint article, specifically as I take a close interest in this topic. I will begin by saying that...

100% of Australians believe that immigration is too high

The role of mass immigration is a strategy by our lords and masters to replace irascible native populations with other tribes that will hopefully prove to be more compliant. It’s important to digest the...

Quote of the Day: Was the White Australia Policy a Cuck Out?

We have a poster on our Facebook page who regularly earns himself the Quote of the Day, either for articulating so clearly a point we make on The XYZ, or for making us think...

Free speech cat and mouse

Back in the olden days, around, say the late 2000's, something new happened on the internet. A lot of people of my generation discovered Facebook. It was pretty wild for a while - trashy...

When will it be time to short Tesla?

This article popped up on my feed on the weekend: More hilarious facts about Tesla from a hedge fund manager who’s short the stock. "All companies in a capitalistic system need to earn profits and those...

Thought for the Day: Will Anzac Day survive demographic displacement?

It has struck me both times I have attended the Anzac Day Dawn Service that the vast majority of attendees are white, Anglo-Celtic Australians. I'm talking a high 90 percent. Living in Melbourne, this is...