Cardboard guardians

This week I wrote about how the true banality of evil inherent in democracy is the subsumption of powers from the elected representatives of the people to a faceless bureaucracy that is beholden and...

Russia claims Venus and it’s beautiful

So this actually happened: No longer confined to territories here on Earth, Russia has now staked its claim on Venus, saying it is a “Russian planet.” But can Russia legally take ownership of the planet?...

The Uncuckables Ep. 86: Misfortune Telling at 8:30pm AEST

YouTube has been forgetting for no reason whatsoever to remind people that we are going to air, so we’ll attempt to post the live link directly to the site in future as much as...

Attack of the Extreme Faaah-Right Super Mega Extremists

On the most recent episode of XYZ live, David Hiscox and I commented that we should rename ourselves to “this week on the NWO.” The reason being, we are essentially documenting the ruling class’...

Trump Attacks Antiwhite Teachers

Most patriots in America and Australia see Trump as a traitor who lied about the wall and promised to stop Americans being replaced by the 3rd world, but who has done little to reduce...

Thought for the Day: Lockdown means I don’t have to see black people

Throughout the lockdown I have struggled with the fact that I recognise the creeping totalitarianism of the lockdown which is being rolled out globally, yet I have loved being forced to stay home where...

Executing The Guilty

Whenever capital punishment is raised someone will inevitably ask 'what about if someone innocent is executed?'. Well my first response is that the courts failed and that they should be punished for failing. After all,...

XYZ Live #134 – Good News on the Faaah-Right

Last night on XYZ Live, Matty and I brainstormed a brilliant solution to the antisemitism question. It appears that antisemitism in the West is rising, and it is likely that this is due to...

Say It With A Picture – Death To “Ming”!

A generation of Howard Zinn sycophants have made it their life to swing between "something of an anarchist, something of a socialist. Maybe a democratic socialist.” None typify this loathsome existence better than one of Mark Bray’s...

Islamic Terror does not threaten the system

Anarchotyranny is basically a police state that doesn't fear criminals because they have selfish motivations, but fears honest decent citizens because they are the only threat that can challenge the police state. Adam Piggott has...

The evil of democracy

Evil is ofttimes described as banal, at least to modern understandings. But if we examine the political and social enterprises of the last century, the adjective that springs to my mind is that of...

Successful anti-lockdown flashmob protest conducted at Chadstone

A flashmob style protest was successfully pulled off yesterday at Chadstone Shopping Centre against the oppressive lockdown in Victoria. Here is how Channel 9 tried to frame it: An “out of time” rendition of...

Kids trusted Hitler more than they trust Biden

It is intriguing when you view this footage of Adolf Hitler with children. The person who uploaded it had to put this bizarre bit at the start asking if Hitler was a pedo. He...

Dictator Dan is expanding his Gulag Archipelago

The XYZ satire accurately predicted the future that Daniel Andrews would strive to put thought criminals in death camps. Naturally, it happened. We have also toyed with a running joke about Daniel Andrews building an exact replica...

The Uncuckables Ep. 85: Walls of Steel

The issue we face is openly acknowledged - the walls of a totalitarian state are closing in around us. As usual on livestreams this year we work through what we are going to do...

Gary Ablett vs The Illuminati

The ruling class have two things keeping them in power, infinite money and control of The Narrative. They cannot survive if they lose either of these, hence the constant slandering of nationalists as “Natzeees”...

Food For Thought – Tikkun Olam Is A Nuclear Holocaust

Whiteness, aka White Supremacy, is typified by such things as the discovery of radioactivity by Marie Curie (French), the invention of the X-Ray by Wilhelm Roentgen (German), and the invention of the first nuclear...

Food For Thought – Denial In Dan-nation

A week or so ago there had been some street scribbling that quickly received an overwhelming amount of importance from powerful rank-and-file Zionist occupation politicians and pundits who crawled over one another to condemn...

Quote of the Day: The war on White Australia

A series of pieces by Brenton Sanderson at Occidental Observer is worth reading and rereading. Adam Piggott has helpfully identified a key passage over at Pushing Rubber Downhill: Occidental Observer – The war on white...

Thomas Sewell discusses the most BASED photo on the Internet

The following photo has been doing the rounds on the internet, and it is beautiful. A white mother pumping out white child after beautiful white child. It goes against the constant conditioning to which our...