Andrews calls in People’s Liberation Army troops to assist with suburban lockdowns


Sean Carson

Chinese PLA troops will be on the streets of Melbourne from this week after the Victorian Government announced it was enforcing suburban lockdowns.

A recent spike in COVID cases in the north-western suburbs of Melbourne has prompted Premier Daniel Andrews to lockdown postcodes in the worst affected areas.

However, concerns from Victoria Police about lack of manpower forced the Premier to take further action, with Chinese soldiers mobilising from the South China Sea overnight.

Andrews has informed Victorians:

“I realised that we are short on manpower so I contacted President Xi directly and he has offered to provide assistance during this critical time.”

“Now it’s important all Victorians realise that we’re all in this together, whether that’s in your home or in a hard labour camp.”

The PLA troops will be enforcing checkpoints and detaining anyone not complying but their roles may be extended to indefinite detention of political dissidents.

Chinese troops weren’t due to arrive in Melbourne until after the signing of the Belt and Road deal by the Andrews government, which is currently being finalised.

They are due to land in Australia in the next 48 hours unannounced in Sydney and then make their way in convoy down to Melbourne via Canberra.

It’s your XYZ.