People Power: Monash Groomer Event opposed by hundreds of Aussies


Local councils are currently attempting to swamp opposition to groomer events, referred to euphemistically as “drag queen story hour” or the like, by coordinating to organise such groomer events all over Australia. Refreshingly, ordinary Aussies are organising to take collective action against this evil.

On Wednesday evening nearly 200 residents attended a Monash Council meeting to oppose a planned groomer event.

The council initially tried to use the police to prevent democracy, but they backed down.

Incredibly, Monash Council still intends to go ahead with the groomer event, and the Lying Press is having a general freak out:

A council meeting descended into chaos over an upcoming drag story-time library event for babies and pre-school children.

Protesters stormed the Monash Council chambers in Melbourne’s southeast on Wednesday night to try to stop the sold-out event featuring drag queen performer Sam T at Oakleigh Library from going ahead.

Tensions boiled over as protesters yelled abuse at pro-drag and LGBTIQA+ community supporters, banged on glass walls and screamed ‘shame on you’ at councillors.

Calling pedophiles “pedophiles” is not abuse.

Many protesters held signs while branding councillors as ‘paedophiles’ and called for them to be sacked.

They should not simply be sacked, they should be in jail.

Mayor Tina Samardzija was forced to briefly suspend the meeting an hour in due to the commotion in the public gallery, which included young children in attendance.

Note the way in which the Lying Press frames people speaking out against literal child abuse as endangering children.

Police were deployed to the scene and at one stage were forced to move in separate protesters and pro-drag and LGBTIQA+ supporters.

Two councillors were given a police escort from the building.

No arrests were made on the night.

Prior to the meeting, Councillor Josh Fergeus pleaded with event supporters to stay away and not get embroiled.

‘I cannot state this strongly enough: if you want to support Drag Storytime do NOT attend tonight’s meeting of Council. You will increase the risk of violence and disruption. Please stay away, stay safe and at home.’

Cr Fergus ahs since thanked Monash council and library staff for holding firm against the backlash and threats of violence and abuse.

This is outright projection. The violence or potential for violence comes entirely from supporters of the pedo freaks and their supporters. Last month in Melbourne, NSN members protected a peaceful protest against the pedo freak agenda.

They faced down hundreds of Antifa terrorists, who proceeded to complain that Victoria Police prevented them from attacking the peaceful protesters.

The following weekend in New Zealand, and without NSN protection, Posie Parker was nearly crushed by a violent pedo freak mob.

According to these freaks, our speech is violence and their violence is speech.

Oakleigh Library will host the drag story-time hour for ages 1-6 to mark International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia on May 19.

Several pedo freak protests in Melbourne have already been shut down courtesy of NSN, one due to their attendance and one due to their potential attendance. It should be reiterated regarding the latter, the so-called “potential for violence” used as a pretext to cancel the event was with regard to the likely violence by terrorist supporters of the pedo freak show, not by NSN.

Another planned groomer event in Nambucca was recently cancelled due to public opposition.

This never went ahead!!! It got cancelled
Thank you to everyone that called and emailed voicing their concerns.

Believe in people power, together we can make it possible

What we are seeing now is that the bravery of NSN members has emboldened the silent majority to organise and oppose this evil. Thomas Sewell describes this process:

Spearhead, its called a Spear-Head, S-P-E-A-R-H-E-A-D.

To punch through the weak spot in the regimes armour and drive the publics Will from the front.

You’ll need to write that one down.

The silent majority amongst the public become the shaft.

They are the reinforcement of the spear.

Like the flanks of a Blitzkrieg.

Pierce through the indefensible positions, the public will follow.

Ordinary people understand that they will be protected from Antifa terrorists. This could be like the flick of a switch. Local Councils which believe they can overwhelm public opposition to groomer events may themselves be overwhelmed.

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