Proof That Sam Kerr HATES White People


Footage of Sam Kerr calling a White British police officer “stupid and White” has been released during her trial for “causing racially aggravated harassment”.

When news of Kerr’s potential hatecrime emerged last year the Dinosaur Media tied itself in knots trying to explain that her verbal attack was not “racist”. Now that the proof is available for everyone to see, the same charlatans are still attempting to paint Kerr in a sympathetic light.

The details of the trial itself are boring and unimportant. If you really want to know them you can read a summary here. I’ll take issue with one aspect of the coverage before I get to the main point.

From Fox Sports:

Chelsea and Australia striker Sam Kerr called a British police officer “stupid and white” during an incident at a police station, a jury was told on Monday.

Sam Kerr is not a “Chelsea and Australia” striker. She plays soccer for the women’s representative teams for Chelsea and Australia. Women’s sport is boring and nobody watches it, but media and sports presenters pretend that it is popular and important. They do this by inverting language, for example by referring to Australia’s women’s representative team as “Australia” and The Ashes as merely the “Men’s Ashes”.

Back to the trial, if you’re asking me to choose between a lesbian anti-White soccer player and a British police officer, I hope they both lose. The former should at best be shunned and the latter should be jailed for complicity in the systematic oppression of his own people.

What matters is that Sam Kerr used the term “White” as a pejorative, and she meant it. She even repeated herself for good measure:

“You guys are f***king stupid and white, honestly you guys are f***king stupid and white.”

When she repeated herself she said it slower and articulated her words more clearly. The excuse of inebriation is pure cope, the alcohol merely gave her license to say what she really thinks.

Normies and boomers are still baffled when we younger White generations say that we no longer wish to live side by side with non-Whites. The video footage of Kerr cannot be dismissed as an exception. It is representative of what White people experience every day, both openly or indirectly via contact with non-Whites and from the media mononarrative that White people are universally bad. Kerr’s words indicate that the scaldings, the assaults, the murders and the demographic replacement via mass immigration are the pattern, not the exception, and they are driven by racial hatred of Whites.

On this note, the effeminate PC Lovell should not feel “shocked, upset and humiliated” at what Kerr said to him. He should be proud to be White, because White people are awesome.

Regardless, expressing hatred toward a White person because they are White should be illegal. Obviously, under the current system if the roles had been reversed, PC Lovell would already be in prison, but this is not why anti-White hatred should be illegal.

England belongs to the English, White countries belong to Whites, and we will not be treated with such disrespect. Once we take back our countries this will be the law of the land.

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