Massive news has broken this morning. Daniel Andrews may be connected to an investigation by Victoria’s corruption commission, IBAC:
A grumpy Daniel Andrews has batted away reporters’ questions about a Victorian corruption watchdog investigation amid calls for him to resign.
The state Premier was grilled by journalists in Melbourne on Wednesday morning over a probe into the relationship between the United Firefighters Union and the Victorian government.
Andrews has been closely associated with unions from the beginning of his reign, largely ascending to office based on a generous promise to members of Victoria’s ambulance union. Nearly a fortnight ago when the CFMEU’s own members attacked its head office over its support of the Victorian government’s Covid tyranny, Andrews panicked and shut down the entire construction industry.
All these factors could indicate that the Victorian Premier has inappropriately close relationships with these powerful unions.
Naturally, the ABC is covering for him, cutting the feed when journalists asked too many pesky questions, but returning to the press conference once they moved on:
You’re seriously not going to believe this, but I promise it’s true. (Thank you to @nickgc_1 for grabbing the raw footage for me) #theirabc #springst #auspol pic.twitter.com/191p4egWr3
— James Newburrie – a fringe account (@DifficultNerd) October 6, 2021
It has been reported that Victoria’s corruption watchdog IBAC will examine the Premier’s conduct as part of its investigation.
A secret investigation into Victoria’s fire services has been ongoing since 2019, probing allegations of corruption and financial mismanagement.
Between 2014 and 2019 the firefighters’ union leader Peter Marshall tried to influence an industrial deal and a reform package to benefit his members.
IBAC has seized mobile phones, laptops and dozens of USBs belonging to the union or Mr Marshall, according to The Age.
This makes for incredible timing. Last week NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian was forced to resign because she is under investigation by ICAC, NSW’s corruption commission. Now there are calls for Andrews to do the same:
‘The former premier of NSW resigned because she was under investigation by ICAC,’ said Liberal MP Tim Smith.
‘The premier of Victoria is under investigation by our anti-corruption commission IBAC, why hasn’t the premier stood down?’
Clive Palmer has pointed out that a Sydney lobbyist for Pfizer and AstraZeneca has the whole NSW Liberal Party in his pocket. Shortly after Gladys resigned her deputy followed suit, supporting suspicion that the Liberal Party’s leadership are beholden to outside interests and are running scared.
The imputation is that Australia’s political leaders are being blackmailed – if they implement lockdowns, vaccine passports and vaccine mandates, the corruption investigations go away. Intriguingly, last week Andrews issued a decree that vaccines would become mandatory for all “authorised” workers from October 15, leading to accusations abroad of human rights abuses. He has also signed the whole of Victoria over to the Strong Cities Network, a shady organisation which falls under the umbrella of the UN and international financiers.
Thus the suspicion is that if this “secret investigation” has suddenly become public, his masters may want him to do something more for them.
Andrews has responded in his usual manner; a passive aggressive dictator who will tolerate no dissent but who deflects any responsibility:
At a news conference on Wednesday, Mr Andrews fended off a barrage of journalists’ questions by repeatedly referring them to IBAC.
‘If you want to know what IBAC is doing and who they’re talking to… you must go talk to them,’ he said.
Daily Mail Australia is not suggesting any wrongdoing by Mr Andrews.
That last line tells you all you need to know. The Lying Press are still scared of Daniel Andrews.