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Tag: corruption

SCANDAL: Fake “Sack Dan Andrews Party” set up to steal preferences

The biggest scandal to hit the Daniel Andrews government so far has just gone nuclear. So-called “preferences whisperer” Glenn Druery has been exposed in a...

Why was Daniel Andrews’ corruption hearing kept secret?

It’s a rhetorical question. Andrews is corrupt af. His tentacles spread so far that he’s even able to keep a grilling by the top corruption...

Labor Rats Desert Daniel Andrews

Good news everybody. This: Leads to this: Which leads to this: A fourth MP has quit Daniel Andrews' Labor ranks with more resignations expected in the coming...

DAN’S NEXT: Daniel Andrews Under CORRUPTION Cloud

Massive news has broken this morning. Daniel Andrews may be connected to an investigation by Victoria’s corruption commission, IBAC: A grumpy Daniel Andrews has batted...

We hate our government

A $35K fine for sixty people who gathered in an “illegal” church worship in Sydney. A group of rescue dogs that were shot by...

PLEASE don’t vote for Premier Daniel Andrews!

The 2018 Victorian election is nearly here and we need to discuss Premier Daniel Andrews, easily the worst Premier in living memory. There are so...

Victoria: Party of Crime runs the Degenerate State

Victoria is the Degenerate State. The Labor Party scammed their way into power by focusing almost exclusively at the last election on a pay...

South Africa – The Reign of Julius Seizer Begins

Sam Vimes For those of you that have already forgotten about the recent land expropriation news in South Africa, it’s imperative to reinforce the understanding...