Daniel Andrews BLASTS Taliban for firing shots and using tear gas on women’s rights protest


Taliban security forces were yesterday forced to fire their weapons and use tear gas in order to disperse an illegal gathering in Kabul.

Disrupting traffic on a busy downtown street, dozens of angry Afghani women defied lockdown regulations placed on women under Sharia Law, which requires them to cover their faces outside the home. Many were seen not following social distancing guidelines.

The protesters have drawn support from Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews:

“I have a message for every single woman in Afghanistan: I see you. I hear you. I believe you.”

The Premier bristled at the boundaries placed on women under the Taliban’s strict interpretation of Islam:

“The Taliban wants women to cover up, to hide their faces, to be invisible. Hiding their faces dehumanises women, it takes away their individuality and makes them second class citizens. It makes them just another number in an obedient crowd.”

Mr Andrews also voiced concern at censorship of the press by the Taliban, and promised that Victoria would accept 6 million female Afghani refugees to boost numbers in the struggling University sector which has been hit hard by Covid.

He added that this sort of thing would never happen in Victoria. The Taliban responded to Daniel Andrews’ criticism with a brief statement:

”Islam is the law of the land in Afghanistan, therefore the government has the right to impose rules and guidelines in accordance with advice from our experts.

“Also, feminism is cancer.”

It’s your XYZ.