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Tag: Feminism is cancer

The Awful and Misogynistic Armchair Admirals

Just in case some readers assumed that it was an exaggeration to title my last post, “And Women Rule Over Us“, the female New...

MGTOW Is The Wrong Path

MGTOW stands for Men Going Their Own Way and it is a reaction to Feminism and the path that society has gone down over...

Woke Corporate Collusion: Australian Open Bans Australia Day

The corporation in charge of butchering the Australian Open tennis tournament has jumped on the anti-Australia bandwagon, banning the celebration of Australia Day on...

Women in Pants

Over at Catallaxy Files, one of the in-residence chicks has written a screed giving a blow by blow account of the horrors that she...

The Problem Of The Independent Woman

Do you know how the custom of men opening doors for women began? It began because in the past a good solid door was made...

If Liz Truss had been a housewife she’d be much happier

Following up from my, is she a one bagger or two bagger article on the demise of Liz Truss as Britain’s latest lame Prime...

Liz Truss chucks tantrum, goes back to kitchen

Forget Margaret Thatcher. Exception, rule, you know the drill. Women belong in the home: Liz Truss will become the shortest-serving prime minister in Britain's history...

Feminists Love Capitalism

When we think of a Feminist we think of someone who is on the Left. Someone who supports radical ideas. In the 1800's they...

Serena Williams rage quits tennis: Complains women have to give birth

Serena Williams has a greater net worth than your entire extended family, but she’s the victim: Tennis legend Serena Williams has been a fierce advocate...

Women And The Army – The Slippery Slope

I wanted a way to highlight the problem of the Slippery Slope, the process by which things move in only one direction. How each...