Andrews says migrant communities in lockdown can be released if they sign up to local Labor branch


Tim Jones

Premier Daniel Andrews has announced that migrant communities currently in lockdown for COVID19 can be released from quarantine, as long as they sign up to be a member of their local Labor branch.

The Premier has faced accusations of racism for locking down public housing in the wake of another COVID outbreak, but has remained firm on lockdowns to fight the virus.

Andrews has also largely dismissed criticism that this was a blatant repeat of the manipulative branch stacking activity using migrant communities, as recently revealed as part of an undercover investigation from The Age.

“I think Mr Somyurek has shown how engaged Labor is with migrant communities and I think that’s a good thing. It’s a case of how do we make COVID work for us and we think this is a very positive development.”

“People have raised their concerns about a repeat of what we saw on 60 Minutes and I think we’ve addressed those concerns. They need to remember that we are all in this together and that Victorians deserve better.”

It’s your XYZ.