XYZ Conference: 29 June to 3 July

The events of the past few weeks have impressed on us the need to start conversations on how we can better support our brothers of Anglo and European heritage in Australia against prejudice and hate.

The XYZ will be hosting an online conference from Monday June 29 to Friday July 3, between 8pm and 10pm each evening. The conference will be held completely online, to be streamed from The XYZ YouTube channel. It will feature five speakers, one each evening, who will give a roughly one hour speech followed by an hour of Q&A from a panel of Australian alt-media YouTubers, and we will also field questions from the live chat.

Its aim is to showcase nationalist leaders, thinkers, and Australian alternative media. Initial plans had been to hold a ticketed event but we have decided to make it free. We will basically be hijacking one week of the livestreams.

The speakers and topics will be as follows:

  • Tom Sewell: Settling Accounts: The Core Principles of the Worldview. You will find a link to his speech at BitChute here.
  • James Fox Higgins: Western Arts and Culture. You will find a link to his speech at BitChute here.
  • Mark Moncrieff: What is Traditionalism? You will find a link to his speech at BitChute here and YouTube here.
  • Adam Piggott: Christianity: How did we get here? You will find a link to his upcoming speech here.
  • Blair Cottrell: BLM, and advice for young men

You can find Tom Sewell on Telegram, James Fox Higgins at The Rational Rise, Mark Moncrieff at Upon Hope, Adam Piggott at Pushing Rubber Downhill, and Blair Cottrell at Telegram.

Why are we doing this?

It struck me a few years ago when Australia was visited by a series of foreign Alt Light YouTube personalities that although their time and effort was appreciated, we don’t need a bunch of foreign Alt Light YouTube personalities to tell us how to save Australia.

The size of their audiences impressed on me how many people really do want to save Australia. As I noted at the time, given how heavily we outnumbered Antifa terrorists at the venues, it was clear that the police were there to protect them from us.

So the seed was planted to establish something similar with an all-Aussie line-up, and it is my hope that The XYZ Conference can provide a prototype for how we can organise in the future.

You may ask us why we are doing this when chaos reigns all around us. Shouldn’t we be organising to protest lockdown laws, or to defend statues? Of course. But a key tactic the left utilises, based on Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, is to regularly shift the direction of their activism. This approach has two advantages:

  1. It maintains the energy of their base who may get bored of protesting the same old thing.
  2. It keeps their enemy off guard. Often by the time we have assembled our full forces to oppose an issue, the left has already shifted to a new front.

Thus it is important to establish a platform of our own, to state clearly what it is we believe in order to set political goals for the future, and force the left and the Liberal establishment to respond to us.

We will continue to provide more details about The XYZ Conference in the coming weeks.