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Tag: James Fox Higgins

XYZ Live 34: Cardboard Theocracy

Stephen Wells joins the boys again to discuss gay seniors and how Australia is guaranteeing Ukrainian victory with cardboard drones. We also offer therapeutic...

The Ghost of Emily & The Ghost of Delacroix: Book Review

It’s not often that I drop every single responsibility I have in life to binge read a book from start to finish. Less so...

Matty Rose Live – With Stephen Wells

Matty Rose goes to air with Stephen Wells tonight at 8:30 PM AEST. Expect some interesting information on the coronavirus and lockdowns, as well...

XYZ Conference Day 2, June 30, 8pm

Last night was the first night of The XYZ Conference, and it went off with a bang. Tom Sewell spoke discussed the key principles...

XYZ Conference: 29 June to 3 July

The XYZ will be hosting an online conference from Monday June 29 to Friday July 3, between 8pm and 10pm each evening. The conference...

The Uncuckables Ep. 48: Pardon My Pilling

A good discussion last night. Topics: Democrat primaries and Donald Trump signals that he may pardon his allies caught in the Russia/Ukraine Hoax crossfire. ...

The Uncuckables Ep. 47: Election Killer App

The full gang was on last night; Matty’s Modern Life, James Fox Higgins, Tim Wilms and David Hiscox. We covered the topics of the...

The Uncuckables Epstein 34: Who Killed the Mainstream?

Some big news stories this week: Project Veritas ABC leak on the Jeffrey Epstein murder. Groypers destroy fake conservatives at Turning Point USA. Both...

The Uncuckables Ep. 31: Extreme Alarm

We had a full house on this episode of The Uncuckables, with James Fox Higgins and Australian Meditations joining David Hiscox and Tims Wilms,...

The Uncuckables Ep. 25: Brexit and Youexit

Traitors in Britain have spent the last three years demanding a second referendum on Brexit. Yet now that Boris Johnson wants to hold...