Last Saturday, July 28, a rally was held in Sydney for persecuted white South Africans. The third rally to date, following those in Perth and Brisbane, over 300 people (AAP falsely claimed only 50) marched from Hyde Park down to Government Place.

Speakers included the visiting Stefan Molyneux, Lauren Southern and Queensland Katter Party MP Fraser Anning:
The purpose of the rally was to “advocate for the prioritisation of persecuted white South Africans as refugees.” In Senator Anning’s words:
“State sanctioned appropriation of land without compensation and the slaughter of innocent white men, women and children is not something we can ignore.”
Senator Anning expresses the view that the Australian government is not moving swiftly enough to help white South Africans:
“It seems that our calls continue to fall on deaf ears. I have been advocating both in and out of Parliament for the acceptance of our European Christian brothers and sisters.”
“I will continue to do so until our government accepts there is a serious issue that is being sanctioned by the South African Government.”

The patriots were opposed by a tiny band of far-left radicals, who did not appear to realise just how silly they looked, as they were holding signs saying “refugees welcome”, even though the rally was advocating for refugees:
“I would call them a bunch of hypocritical Commies shrieking at anyone who would listen. The irony was they had signs and were chanting refugees welcome. What did they think we were advocating for? We were advocating for the right type of refugees to be accepted.”
“It would seem that the only thing wrong with these refugees was the colour of their skin. Apparently if you are white you can’t be persecuted or become a refugee.”
What sounds like two people can be heard chanting the mindless “refugees are welcome, racists are not” during the speeches in this video:
They at least had the respect (or maybe they got tired) to pause while a prayer was made for persecuted white South Africans, but astoundingly they started up towards the end of the video, when a mother recounted a story of how her daughter was nearly kidnapped by a black African.
However, the police provided excellent protection, which allowed the rally to proceed otherwise uninhibited by left-wing extremists.
The push to bring white South African farmers to Australia continues to build momentum, with strong support expressed online and in rallies which will continue to be held across Australia. A senior figure in the Liberal Party has assured The XYZ that a policy is being developed to bring white South African farmers to Australia, while it appears others have encouraged white South Africans to apply for skilled migration visas, something which Russia has already put into place.
Finally, if the tragedy occurring in South Africa can be said to be achieving one good thing, it is that it appears to be galvanising the awareness of our common European heritage and the seeding of a nationalist movement here in Australia, as evidenced by the chant “Save our farmers, save our people, save South Africa!”