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Tag: white South Africans

XYZ Live #90 – Chinese Imperialism and The New South African...

After our usual preamble debating Propertarianism, we discussed the colonialist attitudes of Chinese living abroad, juxtaposed with the disquiet caused by the growth of... petition: Save South African Farmer Nicky and her family

There is currently a petition on to support a South African family who are trying to move to Australia on humanitarian grounds. The...

Non-whites enter the struggle against White Genocide

First I will explain the precarious situation that white people find ourselves in globally and then I will discuss how kind and generous non-whites...

Quote of the Day: Unauthorised Victim Groups

The smash and grab by the South African government against white South African's farmland is revealling the true nature of our globalist elites. Their...

Quote of the Day: Theresa May is a Whore

Remember when Theresa May was picked to replace David Cameron as British Prime Minister as the globalists' punishment on him for allowing the British...

Blair Cottrell on Multiculturalism and White South African Farmers

We are entering a new paradigm, where conservative leaders in Australia are falling over themselves to criticise multiculturalism and then refuse to back down....

A New White Australia Policy: Senator Fraser Anning Makes Maiden Speech

Did the White Australia Policy ever actually kill anybody? How many people were killed as a direct result of the White Australia Policy? When...

Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux speak at rally for white South...

Last Saturday, July 28, a rally was held in Sydney for persecuted white South Africans. The third rally to date, following those in Perth...

Are Turnbull and Bishop betraying the Boers?

The South African government has received communications from the Australian Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister that contradict Peter Dutton's call for Australia to...