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Tag: stefan molyneux

Propertarianism Won’t Save You

Editor: In the coming days we will publish a variety of articles and videos which discuss Propertarianism, some for, some against. We begin with...

Fake News Media DEMANDS Freedom of the Press

The Australian Mainstream Media recently launched the “Your Right to Know” campaign to demand press freedom. This is funny because until this point they’ve...

The Soupman DENIES the Free Speech Crisis in Australia

Tim Soutphommasane is a high-ranking member of the extreme left who currently rule society. He thinks freedom of speech isn’t under attack in Australia...

Stefan Molyneux’s EPIC FAIL on Wh1te N@tional1sm

Stefan Molyneux is a world famous writer, philosopher and content creator, he rarely makes mistakes but on this occasion, he’s made a big one. You...

Stefan in the middle

A follow up to my article last week on Gavin McInnes and his craven pandering to his prog masters that he so obediently serves....

Living on the edge

Editor: Yesterday, 30/11/2018, Gavin McInnes had his visa denied ahead of his planned Australian tour. This article was originally published on 25/11/2018 at,...

The Globalists are coming for your YouTube Channel

The unsurprising has happened with another hack job on all those right wing extremists peddling their hate on YouTube. Rebecca Lewis has released a...

Google pretty much straight up admits to election tampering

Don't be evil. Only people with evil deep in their hearts would need to hold that as their motto. Looks like the dam has burst. From Breitbart: "A...

Thought for the Day: We are the Cultural Nationalists

The reason why thinkers such as Stefan Molyneux or Vox Day, or David Hilton or Adam Piggott here at The XYZ are so dangerous...

XYZ Live #31 – Prime Minister Scott Morrison storms Canberra

Australia has a new Prime Minister, so we guess we had to talk about it. We expounded on a few of the major points...