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Tag: Australia

What happens after World War III

When you’re learning how to write an opinion piece, the usual formula is you start with a news hook, show how it’s relevant to...


I have never seen so many people in all my life, and I have been to several Grand Finals at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. #Melbourneprotest...

VACCINE PASSPORTS for International Travel for Aussies who GET THE JAB

A town was suffering from plague so a guy came along and stole all their children. There’s something in there about doing it all for...

World Wide Rally For Freedom Australia: Tomorrow, Saturday October 16

Australia is now a focal point in the worldwide struggle for freedom against Covid Tyranny. The battle will recommence tomorrow at 12 pm with...

Australia has gone so Communist the Poles are comparing us to...

You know fhat country we fought the deadliest war in history over, then completely abandoned once it was all over? Well, Australia has gotten...

Sucks to be China: They could really use some of our...

Around the start of the year it looked as though China had pulled off the perfect crime. Infect the rest of the world then...

Australians can’t have a say on immigration because Holocaust

Originally published on August 16, 2018, shortly after Fraser Anning’s maiden speech. Ray Green Some people might think that the people of a nation have the...

The great Australian replacement

Originally published on 16/08/2019. A few weeks ago a vote was held in the Australian Senate on whether or not to present a plebiscite to...

This has all happened before

Editor: This piece was originally published on January 2, 2020. Given how 2020 is panning out, it appears prescient to have published it at...

White Genocide of the Chachapoyas

Originally published August 17, 2019. At the head of the Amazon River, deep in the cloud forests of the Peruvian Andes lived a tribe of...