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Tag: White Genocide

It takes balls to draw a dick on the memorial to...

Editor’s note: Originally published on October 10, 2018. In recent weeks the Australian political and media elite has politicised a mass murder in Bondi by...

A Land without Honor

Australia is sliding down a path laid down by South Africa and recently ratified by New Zealand. It is a path of doom. A...

Biggest Defence Review since WW2 to fight China: White Men ignored

The Australian government has urgently commissioned its most important defence review since World War 2. Two key geopolitical developments have in the last year...

The Rainbow Nation Faces Revolution

So, while we're on the subject of rainbows representing things that are gay, here's South Africa's submission for Pride Month courtesy of "South...

Steph Tisdell Calls For White Genocide

The most cruel, barbaric, immoral and hateful thing you could possibly do to an aboriginal or a White person is to promote policies that...

Mother And Son Goes Antiwhite

Many Australians grew up with fond memories of Mother and Son played so brilliantly by Ruth Cracknell and Garry McDonald. It was always a...

Football: A Totem of Class and Ethnic Identity

From Patriotic Alternative. Ethan Robert It was not that I cared for the World Cup, nor for the most part, football in general.  Whether I appeased...

Why do Scots hate the Poms but love White Genocide?

While visiting Scotland years ago I noticed that they had a historic hatred for the English which they expressed freely, both humorously and seriously....

Decolonisation: Aboriginal “flag” to replace state flags on Sydney Harbour Bridge...

The definition of “conservative” is to surrender every cultural battle while sending your government bankrupt at a slightly slower rate than the socialist party: The...

Dear White Children: Your skin is not dirty

Years ago when I started teaching piano I was told I should be careful about referring to the black keys as the black keys...