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Tag: Lauren Southern

Fake News Media DEMANDS Freedom of the Press

The Australian Mainstream Media recently launched the “Your Right to Know” campaign to demand press freedom. This is funny because until this point they’ve...

The Soupman DENIES the Free Speech Crisis in Australia

Tim Soutphommasane is a high-ranking member of the extreme left who currently rule society. He thinks freedom of speech isn’t under attack in Australia...

Morrison Government CAVES on Milo Yiannopoulos Visa!

The Scott Morrison Government has caved to grassroots conservative pressure and approved Milo Yiannopoulos’ visa for his Australia tour. This is good news but it...

Is Facebook promoting White Supremacy?

As everybody knows, if you make a sign with your hands with your pinky, ring finger and middle finger outstretched, making a W, and...

XYZ Live #31 – Prime Minister Scott Morrison storms Canberra

Australia has a new Prime Minister, so we guess we had to talk about it. We expounded on a few of the major points...

Axiomatic Events Refuse To Pay $68,000 Extortion Money To Communist Victorian...

Taxation is theft, and charging people money for a service that their taxes are supposed to pay for is double theft. If there is...

The MSM Must Be Destroyed!

When Westerners invented the printing press in the 15th century (we invented pretty much everything by the way) the masses gained access to a...

Breaking: Most people actually do want to #NukeMelbourne

We here at The XYZ have been pushing the #NukeMelbourne hashtag for quite some time. There have been times when I would have been...


This week I’m coining a new word. It comes after months of struggling to define the inner workings of the progressive mind; what causes...

Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux speak at rally for white South...

Last Saturday, July 28, a rally was held in Sydney for persecuted white South Africans. The third rally to date, following those in Perth...